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For government has transitioned to using the Queensland Government design system. If you have feedback, please use the form at the bottom of this page.

Problem definition

Prep time:
30 mins
Run time:
95 mins – 135 mins
5-10 people (incl. 1 facilitator)
Contributed by:
Digital Service Design Office, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads

A problem definition is a great starting point for aligning a team around a project or initiative. This activity gives team members an understanding of the core problem to solve, without being blinded by a shiny end-goal or pre-defined solution. Creating a problem definition at the beginning of the discovery process is a good way to kick off a successful project.

To construct a problem definition, focus on who the problem affects, how it does so, and why it’s important to solve the problem. To gather the relevant information, this play uses a technique called the "5 W's", which involves answering the questions below.

  • What is the problem?
  • Who is affected by the problem?
  • Where does this problem occur?
  • When does the problem occur?
  • Why does the problem occur? Why is the problem important?

During your project, you can return to your problem statement and add to it or refine it, when more insights are uncovered. It’s like an iterative north star for your project! It will help guide and align your team and stakeholders throughout the project journey.

View larger image Problem definition Miro board
Problem definition Miro board


  • A focussed, confident, and aligned team.
  • A clearly communicable project challenge that can be used to explain the project to stakeholders.
  • A set of assumptions that can be proven / disproven during research activities.

What you need

  • Meeting space
  • Whiteboard or paper
  • Markers
  • Sticky notes



See below for a collection of templates and other pages which will help you run this play. These resources are also linked in the play instructions.

The stages

The four stages of the Service design and delivery process are Discovery, Alpha, Beta, and Live.

The four stages of the Service design and delivery process are Discovery, Alpha, Beta, and Live.

The stages of the design and delivery process

Digital service standard

This play helps your service meet the following criteria of the digital service standard.

Share your feedback

Take our short feedback survey and tell us what you thought of this play, or report an issue.

This playbook is a beta product, your feedback helps us improve it for everyone.

Contact us

If you need advice, mentoring, or guidance on how to use the playbook, or you’d like to contribute to the playbook, you can contact us.