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Cyber security for executives and board members

The Queensland Government Cyber Security Unit (CSU) is committed to identifying and promoting relevant, targeted professional development opportunities to support Cyber professionals and executives in the sector, Government Owned Corporations, Statutory Bodies and Local Councils.

AICD Cyber workshop

Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) has an acknowledged professional reputation for delivering quality Cyber professional development programs to public sector agencies.

The AICD’s workshop ‘Managing cyber risk: The role of executives and board members’ is focused on providing a snapshot of the critical role senior executives play in managing organisational cyber risks as the threat landscape continues to evolve, and how they can maintain cyber security within their organisation.

This program has been tailored for Queensland Government and includes consideration of an interactive case study to explore practical considerations for implementing cyber security governance for your agency.

The learning objectives, outcomes and strategic intent of the workshop are to:

  • help directors identify cyber risks, threats and opportunities to guide their organisation with a robust cyber strategy that balances risk with preparedness
  • provide an understanding of cyber threats and actors, and how to establish appropriate enterprise risk management and frameworks
  • investigate cyber response and crisis management strategies, principles and notifications
  • provide an understanding of the role of a board and how it relates to cyber governance to enable members to manage their responsibilities through effective methods
  • explain key terms and concepts of the cyber landscape and direct the organisation’s cyber strategy by balancing cyber threats with innovation.

Eligibility and cost

Queensland Government departments and statutory body employees are eligible to attend this course, and a co-contribution will be made towards the course cost.

Local governments and Government Owned Company (GOC) employees are eligible to attend this course at cost.

How to apply

To register your interest, email with your name, position title, organisation and any dietary requirements.