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QChat agency onboarding

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The Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group’s (QGCDG) AI Unit is in the process of releasing QChat across the Queensland Government. It's the responsibility of each agency to understand the risks and lead the change management process. The AI team is here to support you on the onboarding process, through providing subject matter advice and by providing templates.

Step 1: Kick off

The QChat team will explain the onboarding process, provide assurance documentation, and answer any questions you may have. To get started email the QChat team to request an onboarding meeting.

Step 2: Assurance

QChat working group

Establish a QChat working group in your agency to identify potential risks associated with implementation. The identified risks should be documented and considered in the next steps of the rollout process.

Assess and understand risks

Complete the Responsible use of QChat planner

The Responsible use of QChat planner helps agencies create agency specific guidelines for QChat based on identified use cases. It also specifies activities and scenarios where the use of QChat should be avoided. The planner will be provided during onboarding.

Complete a Foundational AI risk assessment guideline (FAIRA)

The FAIRA guideline is a transparency, accountability, and risk identification tool for Queensland Government employees involved in the development, procurement, use, or evaluation of AI solutions. The AI risk assessment aims to help AI teams identify unique risks associated with AI projects that extend beyond typical risks found in ICT or automated decision making. It also helps with planning appropriate management and mitigation actions. This assessment is recommended for high-risk implementations.

Complete a Privacy impact assessment

The Privacy impact assessment identifies possible impacts on the privacy of a users’ personal information, as well as any information input into QChat concerning other parties. The assessment also provides recommendations for mitigating or minimising any negative impacts. Refer to your agency’s ICT management policies, if required.

Develop risk treatment strategies

Based on the identified risks in your assessment, you will develop treatment strategies.

Step 3: Partnership agreement

Understanding your agencies responsibilities

The QChat team are finalising a partnership agreement to formally outline the responsibilities of the QChat team as the service provider and the implementing agency.

Communication and engagement

It’s the responsibility of the agency lead to manage the communication with their users. QGCDG can provide templates, advice, and support in the implementation process.

While the QChat team doesn’t offer formal training for end-users, we can train your implementation team to deliver the training within your agency.

Communication material that’s available to you includes:


Email the Queensland Government AI unit

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