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Agency procurement functional maturity assessment tools

Agency functional maturity assessment tools enable agencies to undertake a self-assessment to gauge their procurement functional maturity level.

Why undertake an agency functional maturity self-assessment?

Agency functional maturity assessment tools provide confidence to an accountable officer that their procurement function can deliver specialist procurement services and advice that meet your business needs.

Agency functional maturity assessments also support accountable officers to meet their obligations under the Queensland Procurement Policy 2023.

What does an agency functional maturity assessment do?

Agency functional maturity assessments underpin an evidence-based approach to:

  • prioritising and progressing relevant continuous improvement initiatives, based on known capability gaps, across the procurement function.
  • supporting agencies to better understand the maturity of their procurement function and where additional resourcing and/or investment maybe required, to further build procurement capability.

How it works

  • Reporting and benchmarking: Provides agencies with clarity on how their procurement function compared to best practice standards.
  • Agency choice: Agencies can select their supplier of choice – either Gartner or another provider.
  • Accessibility: Assessments can be undertaken online.

Where can I source functional maturity assessment tools?

If your agency has a Gartner subscription, a procurement functional maturity assessment tool is included with your membership.

Agencies without a Gartner subscription can purchase procurement functional maturity self-assessment tools from the Professional Services Tranche 4 Procurement and Probity (QGP0050-18 – T4) arrangement.

Eligible users

Suppliers on the arrangement can provide services to all Queensland Government public sector agencies including:

  • Queensland Government budget sector agencies
  • Queensland Government bodies (including government owned corporations, statutory bodies, commissions, and boards)
  • non-government organisations approved by the Queensland Government
  • universities
  • local government authorities.

Next steps

For a list of suppliers who offer functional procurement maturity assessments on the panel, email

Buy Queensland 2023

The Queensland Government's approach to procurement has evolved. To learn more, visit Buy Queensland 2023.